Welcome! I am Glad you found my site! I am Local to the Tampa Bay Area, South
Shore area, Brandon, Valrico, Riverview, etc.
My name is Carrie. I am a Stay at home mom. I love to bake, I grew up
surrounded by family members that bake!
At the age of ten I started baking with my grandma almost everyday. We made
Cinnamon rolls, cereal cookies, pies, apple dumplings, I could go on and on.
I love it so much that I turned it into a professional hobby.
I now make Specialty cakes, for kids , adults, sports parties, etc. You name
it, I will try it! It may not be bakery perfection smooth frosting, but it comes
from the heart and will be mighty tasty!
I also make Cookies, Brownies, Pies, and any dessert or baked good you can
dream up!